Hello world!
The First Post Is Always The Hardest
What do I say? How do I say it? What if I come across like an idiot? Sometimes fear and insecurities grip us, but we must overcome, throw caution to the wind, say the hell with it and do it! So here it goes…

Hey there! I’m Donald Thomas and I’d like to welcome you to DonaldKevin.Com. Kevin is my middle name and the domain name for Donald Thomas was taken. There must be a lot of Donald Thomas’ in the world.
After a 5 year hiatus from internet marketing, I’m back. I’ve spent the last 5 years driving a truck, zig-zagging across this beautiful country, before retiring from driving. Now it’s time to get back in the saddle and move forward. I feel super excited and charged up, ready to take the next leg of this journey called life.
I’m getting back into internet marketing for many reasons. The two main reasons being…
- I enjoy doing it. I enjoy writing, creating images and graphics, as well as the challenge of creating the format; laying it all out, doing my best to get it just right. That, to me, is fun.
- Because there’s money to be made in online marketing. I’ve done it before and I can do it again.
There’s Plenty Of Money To Be Made In Online Marketing!
The internet marketing pie is huge. According to CNBC, Consumers spent 900 Billion more in 2020 than in the previous two years. Not only that, according to Statista over 2 Billion people purchased goods or services online. Online retail rapidly passed 4 Trillion dollars worldwide in 2020. Even if you grabbed just a sliver of that pie, you would be doing very well.
Setting up an online marketing business is also cheaper than setting up a brick-and-mortar business. A lot cheaper. It’s also a great deal easier although it has its headaches as well. But the end results are worth it! The basics are covered on the Internet Marketing Tools page.
I Have Nothing To Offer But Blood, Toil, Tears, And Sweat!
Thank you Winston Churchill for that stirring commentary! It will take a great deal of work and perseverance to get and keep your online business up and running. You’ll discover and use skills that you never knew you had. That’s very gratifying. Money aside, the discovery is a lot of fun and very rewarding.
So there you have it. A few compelling reasons to start your internet marketing business or keep at it if you have one going already. It will take time to build your business and for people to get to know and trust you. Put on your bulldog face along with your determination. You can do it.
My Thanks!
In closing let me give a big shout-out and thanks to the crew over at Blue Sky support. So thank you so very much Meghan, Nico, Kayla, Brandy, Jocelyn, Rene, Vicki, Misty, Laura, Amanda, Maryelle, Marie, Alfie, Cody, Petar, Jonathan, Lee, Leo, Manuel, Jose, Joseph, Gregory, Lalo, Brandon, Zernan, Benjamin and last but by no means least, Matt and Matthew.
I hope I didn’t leave anyone out. Your knowledge and patience are astounding! I could not have built this site without you. My sincere gratitude to ALL OF YOU!
And a big thank you to Kristen and Kiana over at Bluehost.
I’d also like to give a shout-out to Ruth Soukup over at Elite Blogging Academy. This lady knows what she’s doing! I do not have an affiliate account with her. I don’t even know if she has affiliates. What I do know is that this lady is the real deal. She has incredible PDFs that you can download and study. I highly recommend it.
Thank you Father God!
And thank you for stopping by and taking the time to read this.
God Bless You and Stay Groovy!